Latest Ruby news from the world

9 March 2023

How to Find, Debug and Fix N+1 Queries in Rails

In this blog post, the author describes tools and techniques he uses to simplify resolving N+1 issues.
Ruby News
7 March 2023

Ruby On Rails : Encryption with BCrypt

In this blog, we'll talk about how to use bcrypt in Ruby on Rails to beef up your app's security.
Ruby News
6 March 2023

Configuring Rails Environments

This article provides a brief overview of configuring Rails applications and environments.
Ruby News
6 March 2023

How to Use ChatGPT API with Ruby on Rails: a Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to integrate ChatGPT API into your Ruby on Rails application in this step-by-step guide. Enhance your app with human-like responses to text inputs.
Ruby News
3 March 2023

Generate QR-code with Active Storage in Ruby on Rails 7

In this blog post, we will explore how to generate a QR code with Ruby on Rails using Active Storage and the gem rqrcode.
Ruby News
2 March 2023

Making the Most of Your Logs in Rails

In this post, we'll dive into how you can use your Rails application's logs to their full potential.
Ruby News
1 March 2023

Ruby News February 2023 Digest

Ruby News February 2023 Digest
Ruby News
28 February 2023

How to add bootstrap in rails 7

Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework that can help you quickly design and style your Rails 7 application.
Ruby News
28 February 2023

Howto migrate from Webpacker to jsbundling-rails in Ruby on Rails

This article explains how to migrate from Webpacker to jsbundling-rails in Ruby on Rails.
Ruby News
28 February 2023

Revolutionize Your App with Followship Models like Twitter and Instagram in Ruby on Rails

Learn how to create followship models like Twitter and Instagram in Ruby on Rails. This step-by-step guide covers model creation, associations, follow/unfollow functionality, and displaying followers and following on a user's profile.
Ruby News
28 February 2023

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT with Ruby

In this article, we’ll take you through everything you need to know to use ChatGPT with Ruby, from the basics of integration to more advanced features.
Ruby News
27 February 2023

Health Checks

Rails 7.1 is adding discoverable health checks, which fly launch will automatically configure and monitor. This page will tell you what you need to know.
Ruby News
24 February 2023

Code Coverage for Ruby on Rails Projects

This article tells how to use the Simplecov gem. This gem is a code coverage tool that measures and builds an interesting report about the current test coverage status for the files of one project.
Ruby News
24 February 2023

Storing Ephemeral UI State with Kredis for Rails

Kredis is a recent addition to the Rails developer's toolkit. It strives to simplify storing and accessing structured data on Redis. In this article, we'll start by going into how Kredis works.
Ruby News
21 February 2023

Building a to-do list with rails

This article is an introduction to building a full-stack app using Ruby on Rails. For this article, we are building a To-do list.
Ruby News
21 February 2023

How to find a memory bloat in your Rails app before it happens

Memory bloat in Ruby happens when someone loads a lot of data to the memory. It is quite easy to find a fix memory bloat when it happens. In this article the author will present a new approach for that, using a new gem io_monitor as a reference implementation.
Ruby News
21 February 2023

Transforming Education: Using OpenAI and Ruby to Summarise Wikipedia for Children

In this article, we’ll look at the beginnings of WikiKids with a Ruby code snippet that uses two powerful libraries — OpenAI and wikipedia-client— to retrieve and summarise a Wikipedia page’s introduction.
Ruby News
20 February 2023

How Rails Authenticity Tokens Protect Against CSRF Vulnerability

Rails protects your web application from CSRF attack by including an authenticity token in the HTML forms. This token is also stored in the user's session. Upon receiving a request, Rails compares these two tokens to decide if the request is verified.
Ruby News
17 February 2023

Eliminate N+1 queries and improve Rails app performance with this effective Eager Loading tip

In Rails applications, N+1 queries can cause significant performance issues. They occur when you have a list of items and perform a separate query to retrieve associated data for each item. This can result in poor performance, and even more so if the list contains a large number of items.
Ruby News
16 February 2023

What's New in Rails 7.1

Rails 7.1 will add notable features. In this post, we'll discuss some noteworthy additions that are likely to be shipped.
Ruby News
15 February 2023

Adding Sorbet to a Rails project

Sorbet is a static type checker for Ruby. In this post, we will walk though how we can add sorbet to a new Rails app.
Ruby News
14 February 2023

Web scraping Google Search Results with Ruby

In this blog, we will learn to scrape Google Search Results using Ruby and its libraries.
Ruby News
13 February 2023

AI Language Translations using Ruby and OpenAI

In this blog article, we’ll go over how to employ Ruby with OpenAI GPT-3 to translate text into various languages rapidly and efficiently. We’ll also go over some of its features and benefits, which make it an excellent alternative for anyone searching for a quick and precise translation service.
Ruby News
13 February 2023

Attribute level permission control in Rails

In a Ruby on Rails API, authorization can be implemented at the controller level, action level, or attribute level.
Ruby News