10 February 2023
Ruby on Rails Conventions
In this article we’ll discuss some of Ruby on Rails conventions and why they are still relevant and alive today.
10 February 2023
Ruby on Rails, the Ultimate Guide to strip, lstip and rstrip Methods
Useful methods for string manipulation in Ruby are strip, lstrip, and rstrip. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these methods and how they can be used in Ruby or Rails.
8 February 2023
A simple way to efficiently calculate and represent average data in Rails
In this post, the author shows how to efficiently calculate and represent average data in Rails.
8 February 2023
Docked Rails: Setup a Ruby on Rails Application on Docker
This post explains how to setup a new Ruby on Rails application with all the dependencies.
8 February 2023
Rails initializers you don't know about - Inflections
Rails comes with a lot of initializers. In this post, we will look at the inflections initializer.
7 February 2023
4 Strategies to Remove Dead Code from your Ruby App
In this post, you’ll learn 4 strategies to uncover dead code and delete it with total confidence from your Ruby application.
7 February 2023
Write your own Domain Specific Language in Ruby
This article explains how to use metaprogramming.
6 February 2023
Mastering GPT-3: the mathematics of logprobs for Ruby Devs
This article delves into the intricacies of logprob and the mathematical principles that drive it.
3 February 2023
A Guide to Rails View Helpers
Rails 7 introduces a new feature to allow opting out of the SameSite cookie attribute when setting a cookie.
2 February 2023
Rails allow opting out of the SameSite cookie attribute when setting a cookie
Rails 7 introduces a new feature to allow opting out of the SameSite cookie attribute when setting a cookie.
2 February 2023
Nested Modules in Ruby
Ruby provides two different ways to define nested modules. This post explains the difference between them and how to decide which one to use. It also explains the `Module.nesting` method which returns the list of modules nested when called.
2 February 2023
Ruby on Rails associations can be buggy
In this post, the author tells a story about how to fix the problem with has_one associations in Ruby on Rails.
2 February 2023
Sweet alert 2 in Ruby on Rails 7
In this article, the author talks about one of the best JS libraries Sweet Alert 2.
1 February 2023
Ruby News January 2023 Digest
Ruby News January 2023 Digest
31 January 2023
Rendering markdown views in Rails
In this post the author explains how to render markdown views in Rails.
30 January 2023
The Difference Between load, autoload, require, and require_relative in Ruby
Loading external files can get tricky in Ruby, but it doesn't have to be. This post explains the usage of Ruby's load, require, and require_relative methods, and when to use each.
27 January 2023
Secure CSRF Token Storage in Rails 7 using Encrypted Cookies
Introduction of Rails 7 feature to store CSRF tokens outside of the session such as in encrypted cookies.
27 January 2023
Rails on Docker
Rails 7.1 is getting an official Dockerfile, which should make it easier to deploy Rails applications to production environments that support Docker. Think of it as a pre-configured Linux box that will work for most Rails applications.
27 January 2023
Uniqueness validation does not work since the beginning of Ruby on Rails
This post is about a problem of uniqueness validation in ActiveRecord. The author shares how to deal with the problem and ensure it does not come back.
26 January 2023
Calling Ruby Methods in C: Avoid Memory Leaks
Discover how you can avoid memory leaks in your C extension by using functions like rb_protect.
25 January 2023
Leverage Regular Instance Variable to Resolve Thread-Safety Issue on Rails ActiveRecord model
The Rails ActiveRecord module allows us to make use of standard instance variables on the objects to adapt their behaviour. In this post we discuss the technique and give an example of where it could be used.
24 January 2023
My Adventure with Async Ruby
Ruby 3.0 introduced the fiber scheduler interface, which is used by the async gem to run tasks concurrently. It’s particularly useful for I/O-bound workloads. This post is a summary of my journey in figuring out how to use it.
24 January 2023
Regex Improvements in the New Ruby 3.2
Last Christmas day, the Ruby 3.2.0 version was released. The author tells improvements to regular expressions and ReDoS (Regular expression Denial of Service) attacks.
23 January 2023
Super Standard
In this post the author explains how to add gem extensions and custom rules to Standard Ruby.