Latest Ruby news from the world

20 September 2022

Ruby Code Linting and Auto-formatting with RuboCop

In this article, you’ll learn how to include Linting and Auto-formatting in your Ruby project and configure it so that its output matches your expectations.
Ruby News
19 September 2022

Export User Data As CSV and Send an Email with Ruby on Rails

In this article, an author will explain how to export user data as a CSV file and attach it to an email or just upload it to ActiveStorage and S3.
Ruby News
19 September 2022

Rails guide - Adding Docker

In this article we'll configure docker and docker compose.
Ruby News
19 September 2022

Ruby group_by or Rails group_by

The goal of this article is to understand the group_by method from a theoretical and practical point of view, both for Ruby, and Rails.
Ruby News
15 September 2022

Ruby on Kubernetes Without the Headaches Using Kuby

In this podcast, an athor explains how you can deploy Rails apps on Kubernetes with Kuby.
Ruby News
15 September 2022

Rails 7 adds default value support for binary columns for SQLite

Binary columns now behave like other column types with default values in SQLite.
Ruby News
14 September 2022

Rails 7 updates through_reflection to distribute transactions across database connections

Models that use multiple databases now perform writes within a single transaction.
Ruby News
13 September 2022

ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select adds support for hash values in Rails 7.1

ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select adds support for hash values in Rails 7.1.
Ruby News
13 September 2022

Autoloading pitfalls fixed by Rails 7’s default Zeitwerk mode

In this article, we'll look at some gotchas in classic autoloading and how Zeitwerk mode solves them.
Ruby News
13 September 2022

How to Run Ruby in Your Browser

In this podcast, the author will share his recent developments about integrating Ruby snippets within a browser in less than a day.
Ruby News
13 September 2022

RubyConf 2022 Registration is now OPEN

RubyConf 2022 will be held in Houston, Texas this November (November 29th-December 1st) at the Hilton Americas. RubyMini will be held in Providence, Rhode Island.
Ruby News
7 September 2022

Ruby News August 2022 Digest

Ruby News August 2022 Digest
Ruby News
6 September 2022

Form validations in Ruby On Rails Application

In this article, we will learn how to manage server-side and client-side form validations according to our requirements and how we manage this at the application level.
Ruby News
5 September 2022

Rails ActiveRecord select method adds the ability to receive hash values

Rails ActiveRecord select method adds the ability to use a hash with columns and aliases inside the select method keeping it similar to the where clause.
Ruby News
5 September 2022

Ruby-on-Rails and Arel

Databases are the pillar of web application. The key is to understand how they work and the related tools, going from standard SQL language to Arel.
Ruby News
2 September 2022

Rails ActionController::Parameters.to_h can now receive a block

ActionController::Parameters.to_h will now receive a block just like Hash#to_h and achieve parity. This gives the ability to customize the way parameters are passed to the controller.
Ruby News
2 September 2022

Ruby Method Parameters and Arguments

This article takes a deeper dive along with direct and dynamic message passing.
Ruby News
1 September 2022

Monitor Ruby Application Performance with Magic Dashboards

In this article, the author explains how to use magic dashboards to help monitor and resolve performance issues within a Ruby on Rails application.
Ruby News
1 September 2022

Rails 7.1 allows infinite ranges for LengthValidators and Clusivity validators

Rails 7.1 adds support for infinite ranges for Active Model validations which use the :in, and :within options.
Ruby News
31 August 2022

RailsConf 2022: 10 Shopify Tech Talks

Shopify recapped RailsConf shortly after it wrapped and now organizer Ruby Central has posted videos from the various talks and workshops online.
Ruby News
31 August 2022

The Role of Rack in the Ruby Ecosystem

In this post, you will learn more about the role of rack in the ecosystem of Ruby from an expert and up skill your ruby game.
Ruby News
30 August 2022

Github Pre-commit Hook Setup in Ruby On Rails for maintaining coding standards and productive.

In this article, we will set up GitHub pre-commit hook using the pre-commit gem in Ruby On Rails, and we will use Git Hooks to run Rubocop, Brakeman, and Rspec.
Ruby News
30 August 2022

Rails 7 now reads ENV SCHEMA_FORMAT when doing rails db:schema: dump,load

Previously rails db:schema: dump,load would only dump Ruby format. Now it reads ENV SCHEMA_FORMAT to choose between Ruby and SQL formats.
Ruby News
29 August 2022

Ruby loops overview

Understanding loops and how they work will help you write robust and efficient applications and interfaces.
Ruby News