6 April 2023
How to Use the rodauth-omniauth Gem in Ruby
In this post, we'll explore the rodauth-omniauth gem for Ruby to implement authentication in your app via third-party providers.
5 April 2023
Ruby News March 2023 Digest
Ruby News March 2023 Digest
4 April 2023
Everything you wanted to know about environment variables in Rails
This article is a comprehensive guide focusing mostly on good practices, advanced techniques, and custom configuration options.
4 April 2023
Readonly Attributes in Rails
In this article, we'll learn how to mark certain attributes as readonly on your active record models, to prevent them from any future updates after the record is created and saved to the database.
4 April 2023
SQL Indexes Basics in Rails
In this article, the author will dive into the basic of indexes in SQL, and how we can create one index on data on our database with rails and SQL.
4 April 2023
Tidying Up Your Rails Code: the Art of Refactoring, Marie Kondo Style
A Light-Hearted Guide to Improving Your Ruby on Rails Code with Simple Refactoring Techniques.
3 April 2023
EU Ruby conferences in 2023
Ruby conferences in 2023 ordered chronologically.
31 March 2023
Diving into Custom Exceptions in Ruby
This article will show you how to customize exceptions in Ruby and mitigate potential future problems due to a lack of error information.
31 March 2023
How to use Sidekiq Cron and Web in Plain Ruby?
In this article, the author will run Sidekiq using its cron jobs and the monitoring panel in plain Ruby.
31 March 2023
Make your Ruby on Rails app 80x faster with SQL
This article will explore the importance of SQL for Ruby on Rails experts. It will show why it’s a must-have skill in today’s development landscape.
31 March 2023
Ruby in Visual Studio Code
This topic goes into detail about setting up and using Ruby within Visual Studio Code, with the Ruby LSP extension.
31 March 2023
Use Synvert to automatically upgrade rails 4.2 to 5.0 (Part 1)
In this tutorial series, the author will demonstrate how to use Synvert to automatically upgrade your Rails application from 4.2 to 5.0.
30 March 2023
Sessions in Rails: Everything You Need to Know
In this post, we’ll learn about Rails sessions, including what is a session, why we need them, and why they're so important.
29 March 2023
Rails 7.1 Improves Support for Custom Namespaces
Rails 7 has improved the support for the custom namespace, now there is a better way of adding the custom namespace to application components while autoloading.
28 March 2023
Delegating things in Ruby
This article is a deep dive into the delegation with Ruby to understand how we can implement it and when. There are a few ways to achieve delegation and it is good to know when to use which.
24 March 2023
Authorization Gems in Ruby: Pundit and CanCanCan
This post will explore two of the most popular authorization libraries in Ruby so far: Pundit and CanCanCan.
23 March 2023
How to encrypt files with Ruby and Active Support
In this tutorial, we will create a Ruby binstub that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files using Active Support’s EncryptedFile module. This script is particularly useful for those who need to protect sensitive information within their files.
23 March 2023
Understanding the Attribute Assignment API in Rails
In this post, we will explore the `AttributeAssignment` module in Rails, which allows you to set an object's attributes by passing in a hash, a feature commonly used by Active Record models. We'll also learn a little metaprogramming along the way.
22 March 2023
AnyCable off Rails: connecting Twilio streams with Hanami
In this post, we explore how to tame a server-to-server WebSockets communication and put it under the control of a Ruby app with the help of AnyCable.
21 March 2023
Zero downtime Rails migrations with the PlanetScale Rails gem
In this blog post, the author will go over the risks of running Rails schema migrations directly on your production database and teach you how to set up a workflow that mitigates those risks.
20 March 2023
Unraveling the Intricacies of Ruby on Rails: RCAV Lessons and Insights
In this post, the author will share valuable insights and lessons learned from working with Rails' RCAV (Routes, Controllers, Actions, and Views) pattern.
17 March 2023
Creating an Intelligent Knowledge Base Q&A App with GPT-3 and Ruby
In this article you will create a Q&A application based on knowledge articles from your own website. You will use GPT-3 to make it respond intelligently and code it in Ruby.
16 March 2023
Send Emails with SendGrid: a Step-by-Step Guide for Ruby on Rails Applications
This article guides you through the process of sending emails from your Ruby on Rails application using SendGrid.
13 March 2023
Understanding the Rails Router: Why, What, and How
The router is the entry point of your Rails application. It acts as the gatekeeper for all incoming HTTP requests, inspecting and sending them to a controller action; even filtering and rejecting them if necessary. In this article, we’ll do a deep dive into the Rails Router to understand it better.