20 December 2022
Applicative programming in Ruby: railway reimagined
In this post we will see how applicative programming can be used for implementing code in the Railway style using a gem applicative-rb.
20 December 2022
Rails 7.1 supports password challenge via has_secure_password
Rails provides the has_secure_password method, which makes it gloriously easy to implement authentication in our application.
16 December 2022
The Basics of Receiving Webhooks in Rails
In this post, the author shows the most simple, straightforward way to receive webhooks in a Ruby on Rails application.
15 December 2022
Sort a Ruby array
A short article about how to sort an array in Ruby. It's a classic problem in other languages too, so let's explore the Ruby case.
14 December 2022
How to use Alpine.js with Rails and Turbo
In this tutorial, we'll go over how to use Alpine.js with your Rails app, and how to add Flash messages (auto disappear) and Modal UI elements.
13 December 2022
How to deploy Rails and Sidekiq to Render
This article shows how to deploy a typical Rails application with custom Dockerfile to Render. The author will deploy Rails and Sidekiq processes as well as PostgreSQL and Redis databases.
9 December 2022
A/B Testing in Rails
In this blog, the author explains what he did to make the rails application able to A/B test in any scenario.
9 December 2022
Database Performance Optimization and Scaling in Rails
This post will cover some alternative methods to fine-tune and scale a database under heavy load and improve the performance of your Rails app.
7 December 2022
Ruby News November 2022 Digest
Ruby News November 2022 Digest
5 December 2022
How to deploy multiple Rails apps on a single server with Capistrano
In this post the author explains how to deploy multiple Rails apps on a single server with Capistrano.
1 December 2022
8 Design Principles that every Ruby Developer should know
In this article we'll discuss 8 design principles that every Ruby developer should know.
30 November 2022
Rails serializes store data as a regular hash instead of using HWIA
Serializing store objects with ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess is both a wasteful and an insecure option. Instead Rails now encodes store as a regular hash and casts it back to HWIA before accessing.
30 November 2022
Dynamic Page Titles in Ruby on Rails
In this post the author shows how to add dynamic page titles to your Rails web application.
29 November 2022
A better way to handle user authentication in Rails
In this post the author explains why a better way to add user authentication logic with the Authentication Zero gem.
28 November 2022
How to implement Query Object pattern in Ruby on Rails?
In this blog, the author how to implement Query Object pattern in Ruby on Rails.
25 November 2022
How to Migrate a Ruby on Rails App from Heroku to Dokku
In this tutorial, the author will describe how to setup and migrate a Rails app to Dokku with PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis and Let’s Encrypt or Cloudflare for free SSL.
25 November 2022
System Notifications with Noticed and CableReady in Rails
The Noticed gem makes developing notifications fantastically easy by providing a database-backed model and pluggable delivery methods for your Ruby on Rails application.
24 November 2022
Multi-Channel Notifications in Ruby on Rails with Noticed gem and Pushpad
In this tutorial the author explains how to use the pushpad gem with the noticed gem to create multi-channel notifications in a Rails application.
23 November 2022
How i developed a faster Ruby interpreter
In this article, the author will describe his efforts to implement a faster interpreter for CRuby, the Ruby language interpreter, using a dynamically specialized internal representation (IR).
21 November 2022
Helpers in Ruby on Rails
In this post, the author will discuss about helpers.
18 November 2022
Rails 7 fixes timezone awareness for tsrange and tstzrange columns
Earlier the tsrange/tstzrange column would throw a TypeError if a timezone was set in the application config. This column now stores time with the correct timezone.
16 November 2022
Rails adds :strict option to the default SQLite database.yml file
SQLite can be configured to be strict to circumvent some of its quirks. Rails can now specify this in the default database.yml file.
15 November 2022
How to use the Bitly API in Ruby
In this post you’ll learn how to use the Bitly Ruby gem to use the Bitly API in your Ruby applications.
11 November 2022
How to Scale Ruby on Rails Applications
This post will dive into some strategies you can use to scale Ruby on Rails applications to a huge user base.